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WG3K   > ANS      02.02.25 11:53l 25 Lines 905 Bytes #7 (0) @ AMSAT
BID : ANS033.9
Subj: Satellite Shorts from All Over
Sent: 250202/0247Z 13236@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24

+ Mike Herr, WA6ARA, submitted a report about his activity during the W2RS
Memorial AMSAT CW Activity Day, held on January 1st: "After fussing with a
new tracking computer, I made one (1) CW contact, right at the end of the
window. I worked WA0CTZ, Dave, at 2357 on AO-7. Fitting way to end the year
and start a new one. It has rekindled my desire to operate satellites."
(ANS thanks WA6ARA for the information)

+ FO-29's analog linear transponder will be activated at the following
times in February:

February 1, 00:49~
February 2,01:38~
February 8, 01:22~
February 9, 02:12~
February 15, 01:56~
February 16, 01:00~
February 22, 00:44~
February 23, 01:34~
February 24, 00:39~

Due to FO-29's battery status, the satellite will remain on after
activation until the satellite's undervoltage control (UVC) automatically
shuts off the transponder. (ANS thanks JARL for the information)

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