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WG3K   > ANS      12.05.24 23:05l 16 Lines 1303 Bytes #26 (0) @ AMSAT
BID : $ANS133.4
Subj: Wanted: Your AO-7 Experiences and Memories
Sent: 240512/1359Z 4239@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24

As we prepare to celebrate AO-7's 50th anniversary since its launch on November 15, 1974, a small team of writers are collectin
g stories about the history of this record-breaking satellite, now the longest operating satellite of any type - government, mi
litary, commercial or private. Mr. Jan King, W3GEY/VK4GEY was a member of the original team of hams that were responsible for t
he design, build and launch of AO-7. Jan is interested in hearing how hams adapted to AO-7's operating characteristics over the
 years. He is also especially interested in accounts of how AO-7 was used for operational or scientific experiments.

Jan continues to track and monitor the health of AO-7 after all these years. Jan predicts that within a few months AO-7 will en
ter a period of five years of continuous sunlit operation without eclipse interruptions. Already with 50 years behind it, AO-7 
might continue to set new records and host more invaluable scientific studies and practical uses.

Working with Jan is Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, AMSAT VP-Development. Amateurs with stories they wish to contribute to the project 
are encouraged to contact Frank via email f.karnauskas [at] amsat [dot] org.

[ANS thanks Jan King, W3GEY/VK4GEY and Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, AMSAT VP-Development for the above information

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