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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookiePA2SNK > PACKET 22.02.25 03:55l 26 Lines 820 Bytes #26 (0) @ WW BID : 6235-PA2SNK Read: JH4XSY Subj: True DCD (nl1vkl) Path: JH4XSY<N3HYM<K5DAT<VE3CGR<PD0LPM Sent: 250221/1852Z @:PD0LPM.#FRL.NLD.EURO #:36245 [Joure] $:6235-PA2SNK From: PA2SNK@PD0LPM.#FRL.NLD.EURO To : PACKET@WW ヘヘ[Message No. 1305 Send on 21-02-2025 at 19:39:16 Lt by PA2SNK Danny]ヘヘヘヘヘヘヘヘ Tsthost MsgFilter v1.06c-OlnSoft トトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトトカToplogo creator (c) 1997-1998 by PD0OLNコトトトトトト Hi all.. As i bought a PK-88 earlier this week without a proper DCD. I thought of the true DCD from Dave (nl1vkl CB) This is a dcd with an attiny85 and one c. Simple but works great.. Dave has a good explination on his website. It will fit in any tnc/modem with tcm3105 or am7910. Check: https://mijndingen.nl/true-open-squelch-dcd i have made one before for my one of my tiny-2's and it works great. 73 de Danny PA2SNK ヘヘ[Pc:Lenovo x64 Tnc:Kenwood Trx:Kenwood THD72 Ant:Rubber duck]ヘヘヘヘヘヘヘヘ ヘヘ[PA2SNK@PD0LPM.#FRL.NLD.EURO Sneek,Friesland JO23TA Holland]ヘヘヘヘヘヘヘヘヘ /ACK
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