Login: GUEST @ JH4XSY.14.JNET1.JPN.AS [Tsuchiura]
home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookieWG3K > BPQ 16.02.25 04:58l 14 Lines 380 Bytes #20 (0) @ WW BID : 13843_WG3K Read: GUEST JH4XSY Subj: New Version Path: JH4XSY<IW0QNL<IZ3LSV<DB0ERF<DK0WUE<DK0WUE<K7EK<VE3CGR<GB7YEW<W9GM< WW6Q<WG3K Sent: 250215/1950Z 13843@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24 I've uploaded a new verion of BPQ32/LinBPQ (.62) to my beta site and ithub. Main changes are fixing a bug in resequencing NETROM packet and adding compression of NETROM frames and an interface for the WhatsPac client. https://www.cantab.net/users/john.wiseman/Documents/L4Compression.html https://www.cantab.net/users/john.wiseman/Documents/WhatsPacInterface.html 73, John
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