OpenBCM V1.08-4-g0592 (Linux)


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WG3K   > TECH     08.05.24 12:40l 7 Lines 670 Bytes #2 (0) @ WW
BID : 4059_WG3K
Subj: Is B2 compression better than B1?
Sent: 240508/0333Z 4059@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24

Is B2 compression better than B1?  By "better" I mean network efficient.

While watching messages come and go on my system, I often see a (B)ulletin go out to several different systems at the same time.  If the message is large enough, the B1 compression seems to do better than the B2.  B2 also seems to send messages individually instead of smooching together up to five messages (or the maximum block size) into a single push, thus being more network efficient by completely filling the frames being sent.  A cursory view appears to show that B2's only benefit is handling attachments, but I don't have any real data to prove this.  Does anyone know?

Eric WG3K

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