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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookieI0OJJ > AMSAT 09.02.25 13:11l 1243 Lines 30032 Bytes #14 (0) @ WW BID : 92ZI0OJJ_001 Read: GUEST Subj: ANS-040 AMSAT News Service Path: JH4XSY<IW0QNL<SR1BSZ<EA2RCF<I0OJJ Sent: 250209/0407z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU [Rome] obcm1.08-6-g5b69 From: I0OJJ @ I0OJJ.ITA.EU (Gustavo) To: AMSAT @ WW X-Info: Sent with login password >From: "Mitch Ahrenstorff (AD0HJ) via ANS" <ans@amsat.org >Subject: [ANS] ANS-040 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins >Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2025 21:21:30 EST >Reply-To: "Mitch Ahrenstorff (AD0HJ)" <mahrenstorff@amsat.org> >To: space@ww AMSAT NEWS SERVICE ANS-040 In this edition: * AMSAT-EA's HADES-R Successfully Deployed and Transmitting Telemetry * Blue Origin Simulates Lunar Gravity on Landmark New Shepard Flight * Interlune Aims to Mine Lunar Helium-3 for Quantum Computing on Earth * VUCC & DXCC Satellite Standings for February 2025 * Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for February 7, 2025 * ARISS News * Upcoming Satellite Operations * AMSAT Ambassador Activities * Satellite Shorts From All Over The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information se rvice of AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digita l Amateur Radio satellites. The news feed on https://www.amsat.org publishes news of Amateur Radio in S pace as soon as our volunteers can post it. Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor [at] amsat .org<http://amsat.org> You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletin s via the ANS List; to join this list see: https://mailman.amsat.org/postor ius/lists/ans.amsat.org/ ANS-040 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins To: All RADIO AMATEURS >From: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation 712 H Street NE, Suite 1653 Washington, DC 20002 DATE 2025 Feb 9 ________________________________ AMSAT-EA's HADES-R Successfully Deployed and Transmitting Telemetry The HADES-R amateur radio satellite, operated by AMSAT-EA, has been success fully deployed and is functioning as expected. According to AMSAT-EA^rs up date on January 23rd, the satellite is transmitting telemetry data, and the initial health reports indicate that it is in good condition. The team is actively receiving data and preparing to transition the satellite into repe ater mode once all necessary checks are completed. Amateur radio operators worldwide are encouraged to share their telemetry reports to assist in conf irming its operational status. Deployment occurred on January 22nd at 15:42 UTC from the D-Orbit ION-SCV-0 16 orbital transfer vehicle (OTV) after launching on January 14th aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as part of the Transporter-12 mission from Vandenber g Space Force Base. The mission carried 131 payloads, including amateur rad io satellites HADES-R and PARUS-T1. Due to the large number of satellites o nboard, deployments were staggered over several days. Early signals were re ported by amateur operators, but official confirmation from AMSAT-EA follow ed later. Transmissions began shortly after deployment, though the FM repea ter remains inactive as testing and validation processes continue. [https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/AMSAT-EA-HADES- R-PocketQube.jpg]<https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2025/0 2/AMSAT-EA-HADES-R-PocketQube.jpg> HADES-R remains in good condition, with successful telemetry decodes report ed worldwide. [Credit: AMSAT-EA<https://x.com/AmsatSpain>] Designed to provide FM voice repeater capabilities, the satellite also supp orts various digital modes, including FSK telemetry and APRS at up to 1200 bps. It features a downlink frequency of 436.888 MHz, as coordinated by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). While FM voice is its primary mi ssion, it will also transmit experimental data and FSK telemetry. The uplin k frequency is 145.925 MHz, supporting FM voice and various digital modes, including AX.25 and APRS. The FM repeater will operate without requiring a subtone, activating via squelch level. As part of AMSAT-EA^rs ongoing efforts to expand amateur radio satellite o perations, this spacecraft is the first of two planned replacements for HAD ES-D (SO-121). The second, HADES-ICM, is expected to launch on the upcoming Transporter-13 mission in March 2025. Both satellites will provide FM and digital communication options, allowing amateur operators to engage in long -distance contacts. Additionally, HADES-ICM will host an experimental paylo ad from the University of Manchester^rs Smart IR/Graphene Engineering Inno vation Centre (GEIC), testing a low-power active radiator under space condi tions. AMSAT-EA has urged the amateur radio community to continue monitorin g transmissions and sharing received telemetry data as the satellite progre sses towards full operational capability. [ANS thanks AMSAT-EA<https://x.com/AmsatSpain> and Jose Rodriguez, EB1AO<ht tps://x.com/eb1ao>, for the above information] ________________________________ Blue Origin Simulates Lunar Gravity on Landmark New Shepard Flight Blue Origin successfully launched its NS-29 mission on February 4th, markin g a significant milestone in suborbital research. The mission, which lifted off from the company^rs West Texas launch site at 11 a.m. EST (16:00 UTC) , was originally scheduled for January 28th but was delayed due to weather and technical issues. This flight was the 29th for the reusable New Shepard vehicle and featured a unique capability: the simulation of lunar gravity in suborbital space. The NS-29 mission proceeded as planned, with both the booster and the crew capsule executing safe returns to Earth. The booster performed a controlled vertical landing on the designated pad, while the capsule descended under parachutes, touching down in the West Texas desert approximately 10 minutes after launch. However, one of the capsule^rs three parachutes did not ful ly open. Blue Origin officials assured viewers during the live broadcast th at the spacecraft is designed to land safely even if not all parachutes ful ly deploy. A key feature of this mission was its ability to generate lunar gravity for ces^wa first for New Shepard. The capsule achieved this by rotating about 11 times per minute for two minutes using its reaction-control thrusters. T his capability was developed to support research on lunar-related technolog ies, benefiting the 30 payloads aboard the spacecraft. Among these, 29 expe riments were specifically designed to test innovations applicable to the Mo on^rs environment. [https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Blue-Origin-New -Shepard-NS-29-Launch-1024x576.jpg]<https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-cont ent/uploads/2025/02/Blue-Origin-New-Shepard-NS-29-Launch.jpg> Blue Origin New Shepard NS-29 mission simulated lunar gravity to support lu nar-related research for 30 payloads. [Credit: Blue Origin<https://www.blue origin.com/>] Blue Origin categorized these experiments into six focus areas: in-situ res ource utilization, dust mitigation, advanced habitation systems, sensors an d instrumentation, small spacecraft technologies, and entry, descent, and l anding methods. Many of these experiments were backed by NASA^rs Flight Op portunities Program, underscoring the space agency^rs commitment to develo ping technology for lunar exploration. With the Artemis program aiming for long-term human presence on the Moon, missions like NS-29 provide valuable data to refine critical systems for future lunar operations. Notable NASA-supported experiments aboard NS-29 included the Electrostatic Dust Lofting project, which examined how lunar dust becomes electrically ch arged and moves when exposed to ultraviolet light. Another key experiment, the Lunar-g Combustion Investigation, studied fire behavior in lunar gravit y compared to Earth^rs, helping to enhance safety in future lunar habitats . Other experiments tested propellant management in low gravity, soil analy sis tools, and small satellite propulsion systems, all contributing to adva ncing space exploration technologies. New Shepard, named after astronaut Alan Shepard, has been operational since its first uncrewed flight in April 2015. The vehicle made history in 2021 by carrying Jeff Bezos and three others on its first crewed flight. While p rimarily known for space tourism, with nine of its 29 flights carrying pass engers, the system continues to play a critical role in scientific research . The successful NS-29 mission not only demonstrated Blue Origin^rs abilit y to simulate lunar gravity but also reinforced its contribution to advanci ng space technology in support of NASA^rs lunar ambitions. [ANS thanks the Mike Wall, Space.com,<https://www.space.com/> for the above information] ________________________________ The 2025 AMSAT President^rs Club Coins Have Just Arrived! Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Amateur Radio on Human Spaceflight [https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2025-PC-Coin-2- Sided-Color-Web-300x148.jpg] Help Support GOLF and Fox Plus. Join<https://www.amsat.org/join-the-amsat-presidents-club/> the AMSAT Presi dent^rs Club today! ________________________________ Interlune Aims to Mine Lunar Helium-3 for Quantum Computing on Earth Interlune, a Seattle-based startup founded by former Blue Origin technologi sts, is aiming to harvest Helium-3 from the moon to support quantum computi ng applications on Earth. Helium-3, a rare isotope deposited into the lunar regolith by solar wind, was first identified in samples brought back by NA SA's Apollo missions. While the potential applications of Helium-3 have int rigued scientists for years, recent astrogeological research highlights sig nificant challenges in extracting the isotope. The U.S. Geological Survey ( USGS) suggests that obtaining commercially viable amounts would require pro cessing millions of tons of lunar regolith, a task comparable to large-scal e mining operations on Earth. Despite these hurdles, Interlune CEO Rob Meyerson remains optimistic. The c ompany envisions an extraction system operating like an agricultural setup, with five harvesters each the size of a large SUV. Meyerson acknowledges t hat it will take years before the company sees a financial return, but he e mphasizes the growing demand for Helium-3 in quantum computing. This isotop e plays a critical role in cooling superconducting quantum computers to tem peratures close to absolute zero. With quantum computing companies recogniz ing the need for a stable Helium-3 supply, Interlune believes now is the ti me to act. Interlune is not the first to consider the commercial potential of lunar He lium-3. Apollo 17 astronaut and Interlune's executive chairman, Jack Schmit t, has long advocated its use in nuclear fusion reactors. However, investme nt interest has shifted towards quantum computing applications, which promi se quicker returns. Beyond computing, Helium-3 has other potential uses, in cluding medical imaging and radiation detection. Interlune hopes to eventua lly supply tens of kilograms per year, a goal that Meyerson believes is bot h realistic and financially sustainable given current market prices of arou nd $20 million per kilogram. [https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Interlune-Heliu m3-Lunar-Mining-Illustration-1024x576.jpg]<https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/ wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Interlune-Helium3-Lunar-Mining-Illustration.jpg> Concept illustration of lunar Helium-3 mining involving harvesters, a solar power plant, rovers and return launchers. [Credit: Interlune<https://www.i nterlune.space/>] However, some experts remain skeptical about the feasibility of large-scale Helium-3 extraction from the moon. Laszlo Keszthelyi, a research geologist at the USGS Astrogeology Science Center, notes that lunar Helium-3 concent rations range from just 2.4 to 26 parts per billion in Apollo samples. Give n these figures, obtaining a single kilogram would require processing betwe en 100,000 and 1 million tons of lunar soil. Keszthelyi stops short of dism issing the endeavor outright, stating that the moon does contain resources ^wit is merely a question of how they can be effectively utilized. To address these concerns, Interlune is planning a resource development mis sion in 2027 to analyze Helium-3 concentrations at a potential mining site. This mission will be followed by a pilot plant in 2029 to demonstrate extr action and processing on the lunar surface. The company^rs initial lunar m ission will launch through NASA^rs Commercial Lunar Payload Services initi ative. Interlune is actively securing funding, having already raised $18 mi llion, with plans for another round of fundraising in the near future. While profitability remains uncertain, experts acknowledge that Interlune ^rs success will depend on the efficiency of its extraction methods. Chris Dreyer from the Colorado School of Mines notes that certain minerals trap more Helium-3 than others, potentially increasing yield in select locations . However, large-scale excavation will be necessary, posing technical chall enges, particularly with lunar dust. Despite these obstacles, Dreyer believ es that iterative development^wdesigning, testing, and improving equipment ^wcould make Interlune^rs ambitions feasible. As advances in space explor ation continue, the prospect of mining Helium-3 on the moon is becoming an increasingly tangible reality. [ANS thanks the Leonard David, SpaceNews<https://spacenews.com/>,<https://w ww.space.com/> for the above information] ________________________________ VUCC & DXCC Satellite Standings for February 2025 VUCC Satellite Award/Endorsement Change Summary for January 01, 2025 to Feb ruary 01, 2025 Callsign 01/01/2025 02/01/2025 K8DP 1629 1737 WA4NVM 1653 1676 WC7V 1451 1611 DF2ET 1102 1602 DL5GAC New 1576 DL2GRC 1166 1501 AA5PK 1426 1500 N8RO 1401 1490 W5CBF 1224 1326 N0JE 1075 1225 MI6GTY 970 1201 F4BKV 1000 1200 KF7R 1075 1175 N9EAT 1029 1127 AC9O 1001 1126 XE1AO 1000 1111 WI7P 882 1104 N3GS 986 1103 OZ9AAR 900 1100 JK2XXK 503 1086 K9UO 950 1030 KE8RJU 950 1030 EA2AA 875 1026 W2GDJ 705 1022 JN2QCV 726 1016 VE6WQ 814 1007 K6FW 951 1005 K7TAB 814 1003 YO2CMI 820 1003 PR8KW 200 1001 KQ4DO 827 952 N8JCM New 952 FG8OJ 737 935 HB9AOF 725 907 KN2K 808 907 JL1SAM 601 905 VU2LBW 603 902 KG0D 801 900 W8LR 825 897 N0GVK 701 867 JS1LQI 500 808 K0JM 702 801 IK3ITB 500 800 KK4YEL 674 799 N5BO 650 786 JG6CDH 553 777 N8MR 658 755 KS1G 703 754 KC4CJ 602 751 WD9EWK (DM43) 734 737 KB1HY 648 727 WA4HFN 676 727 N3CAL 480 686 AC9DX 525 682 A65BR 554 676 LY4AA New 670 N7ZO 350 669 AF5CC 646 651 IK7FMQ 500 651 N6UTC 551 651 VE7PTN 301 635 XE1UYS 505 634 LA6OP New 632 JN1BPM 426 630 N5EKO 500 622 SA0UNX 362 617 F6GLJ 400 609 EA3TA 503 607 RA3DNC 305 599 XE2YWH 235 595 JA1GZK 435 575 WB7VUF 555 572 VE4MM 536 561 HB9GWJ 476 553 DL6KBG 331 550 WB7QXU 500 550 W9FF New 545 KH6WI 300 530 KP3V 402 526 KO9A 434 524 AD2DD 356 517 SV8CS New 511 VA3VGR 352 509 HP2VX 496 508 KF2T 111 505 E70A New 504 AL7ID 320 502 N9ZTS 400 501 I3BUI New 500 IK0USO 118 500 JR0GAS 360 500 KA9CFD New 500 PA7RA 300 495 N6PAZ 350 479 AB1OC 407 476 W3TI 103 465 N7UJJ 308 462 DL8GAM 375 450 N8URE (FM19) 430 450 AG4W 161 438 WO3T New 437 DJ7NT 234 432 JI5USJ 236 425 K4RGK 362 421 F6EQD 311 420 HC2FG 350 413 JE3HCZ 103 410 W3VHF 250 406 ZS2BK 305 405 NJ2DX 100 404 SP5ULN 156 404 JO4JKL 135 401 KF0QS 301 400 ON4CCN 208 400 K6VHF 276 376 W6AER 302 376 HB9RYZ 248 365 KB3IAI 254 358 KE8AKW 329 358 HB9BIN New 356 K3HPA 300 350 LA9KY New 347 N8HRZ New 337 AG1A New 335 JH8RZJ New 328 W0PR New 327 N4QWF 115 325 JH0BBE 322 324 N9XG 252 310 KG4ERR New 301 IK8YTA 162 300 K7OGW New 300 K9JKM 201 300 W6CZ New 300 XE1BMG 120 300 KG0I New 297 JE2UFF 185 280 JF3MKC 200 280 KB9DAK 171 278 W6IA 100 278 AA0MZ 276 277 WA3YDZ New 271 IN3EQZ New 268 DL5KUA 128 266 W0BZ New 256 K5WO New 255 AA0K New 253 SP7JS New 253 KH6WI/W9 (EN54) New 250 I1FQH 173 249 BX1AD New 237 WA8ZID 226 230 KB4DSL 127 226 N7GR 205 226 DF5SF New 217 KB2MFS New 215 IK0WRB 123 213 PU5DDC 200 213 KR7LD New 211 RA0FF New 211 PY2YJ 150 210 N4UFO New 206 K0JQZ New 205 N2WLS 104 205 WD5GRW New 205 9A2GA New 202 EK/RX3DPK New 200 WD9EWK (DM22) 198 200 WD9EWK (DM31) 187 200 W2HRO New 192 OK1IN New 190 WD9EWK (DM42) 183 189 AI9IN 150 175 RA3LAS New 172 WD9EWK (DM45) 165 170 NK0S 167 169 7J1ADJ New 164 W4DFU 151 163 JK4JMO New 161 DH0GSU 152 156 AE5AU New 153 KJ7SXR New 151 EA4DEI 100 150 G4BWP New 150 K2MJP 125 150 KD8RTT 101 150 VE3JO 117 149 IC8TEM New 147 VE3AAZ 118 147 SV8CKM New 140 WD9EWK (DM25) 120 138 W0SX New 134 BD8CBU New 132 BI8FFH New 132 DH9DX New 131 PU8MRS 127 129 XE2/CO6LAR New 129 N6UTC (DM05) 101 128 ER1KW New 127 XE2YWH (DL82 - D 114 119 XE2YWH (DL82) 114 119 WK7G New 118 YC1RIK New 114 NC0Q New 108 XE1RCU New 108 K7AXA New 104 XE1YD New 104 BG6HXD New 103 KK7OVF New 103 N6NU New 103 YO6OEV New 103 4A2MAX New 102 BI1QGX New 102 DL3NGN New 102 N2YZH New 101 SV2DSJ New 101 BA7LVG New 100 K9DOG New 100 KD2YIB New 100 LZ3SV New 100 N5YIZ New 100 VK5DG New 100 W4BB New 100 W4XP New 100 YB1RQX/P New 100 DXCC Satellite Award/Endorsement Change Summary for January 01, 2025 to Feb ruary 01, 2025 Callsign 01/01/2025 02/01/2025 OE9DGV 212 213 YO3APJ 162 165 EA2AA 157 158 HB9RYZ 152 153 IK4DRY 122 144 RA3DNC 131 143 IK7FMQ 120 128 SM2OAN 109 117 G4BWP 100 105 R5DT New 102 WI7P New 102 I4MKN New 101 LY4AA New 100 N0GVK New 100 N0GVK is first DXCC Satellite holder from EN00. Congratulations to the new DXCC Satellite holders! [ANS thanks Jon Goering, N7AZ, for the above information] ________________________________ Need new satellite antennas? Purchase an M2 LEO-Pack from the AMSAT Store!<https://www.amsat.org/shop/> [https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/cm/LEO-Pack1-300x298.pn g]<https://www.amsat.org/product/m2-leo-pack-antenna-system/> When you purchase through AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space. https://amsat.org/product-category/hardware/ ________________________________ Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for February 7, 2025 Two Line Elements or TLEs, often referred to as Keplerian elements or keps in the amateur community, are the inputs to the SGP4 standard mathematical model of spacecraft orbits used by most amateur tracking programs. Weekly u pdates are completely adequate for most amateur satellites. TLE bulletin fi les are updated daily in the first hour of the UTC day. New bulletin files will be posted immediately after reliable elements become available for new amateur satellites. More information may be found at https://www.amsat.org /keplerian-elements-resources/. NOTICE: In an effort to minimize confusion between sources of two line elem ent sets, AMSAT is adopting the convention of listing the USSF/NORAD Satell ite Catalog name first, followed by any secondary name or names in parenthe ses. For example, "POEM 4 (BGS ARPIT)" was added recently where "POEM 4" is the name that appears in the US Space Force Satellite Catalog, and "BGS AR PIT" is the name best known within the amateur satellite community. Expect name changes for affected satellites in the coming weeks as this change is fully implemented. The following satellite has been added to this week's AMSAT TLE distributio n: HyperView 1G (RS66S) NORAD Cat ID 61772 Downlink 436.540 MHz OBJECT BA (ZIMSAT 2) NORAD Cat ID 71783 Downlink 437.050 MHz [ANS thanks AMSAT Orbital Elements<https://www.amsat.org/keplerian-elements -resources/> page for the above information] ________________________________ ARISS NEWS Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between amat eurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The downlink freque ncy on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide. + Recently Completed Aznakaevo Schools, Aznakaevo, Aznakaevsky District, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, direct via RC4P The ISS callsign was RS¨ISS The scheduled crewmember was Ivan Vagner The ARISS mentor was RV3DR Contact was successful: Sat 2025-02-01 11:15 UTC Congratulations to the Aznakaevo School students, Ivan, mentor RV3DR, and g round station RC4P! Public Primary School, La Laupie, France, direct via F5KLF The ISS callsign was OR4ISS The scheduled crewmember was Don Pettit KD5MDT The ARISS mentor was F6ICS Contact was successful: Fri 2025-02-07 14:27:07 UTC Congratulations to the La Laupie Public Primary School students, mentor F6I CS, and ground station F5KLF! + Upcoming Contacts Kant, Kaliningrad, Russia The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RS¨ISS The scheduled crewmember is Alex Gorbunov The ARISS mentor is RV3DR Contact is go for Tue 2025-02-11 09:35 UTC City of Clifton Arts Center & Sculpture Park, Clifton, NJ, direct via W2NPT The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The scheduled crewmember is Don Pettit KD5MDT The ARISS mentor is AA6TB Contact is go for: Wed 2025-02-12 18:14:13 UTC Many times a school may make a last minute decision to do a Livestream or r un into a last minute glitch requiring a change of the URL but we at ARISS may not get the URL in time for publication. You can always check https://l ive.ariss.org/ to see if a school is Livestreaming. The crossband repeater continues to be active (145.990 MHz up {PL 67} & 437 .800 MHz down). If any crewmember is so inclined, all they have to do is pi ck up the microphone, raise the volume up, and talk on the crossband repeat er. So give a listen, you just never know. The packet system is also active (145.825 MHz up & down). As always, if there is an EVA, a docking, or an undocking; the ARISS radios are turned off as part of the safety protocol. Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orb ital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time. The latest information on the operation mode can be found at https://www.ar iss.org/current-status-of-iss-stations.html The latest list of frequencies in use can be found at https://www.ariss.org /contact-the-iss.html [ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team mentors f or the above information] ________________________________ Upcoming Satellite Operations None currently posted. A growing number of satellite rovers are currently engaged in sharing their grid square activations on https://hams.at. By visiting the website, you g ain easy access to comprehensive information about the operators responsibl e for activating specific grid squares. Additionally, you have the ability to assess the match score between yourself and a particular rover for a giv en pass, while also being able to identify the upcoming satellite passes th at are accessible from your location. [ANS thanks Ian Parsons, K5ZM<https://x.com/k5zm_>, AMSAT rover page manage r, for the above information] ________________________________ AMSAT Ambassador Activities AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests, conventions, maker faires, and other events. AMSAT Ambassador Clint Bradford, K6LCS, says, ^sThink a 75-minute presentation on ^sworking the easy satellitesoe woul d be appropriate for your club or event? Let me know by emailing me at k6lc sclint (at) gmail (dot) com or calling me at 909-999-SATS (7287)!oe Clint has NEVER given the exact same show twice: EACH of the 150+ presentat ions so far has been customized/tailored to their audiences. Yuma Hamfest and Southwestern Division Convention - February 14th thru 15th , 2025 Yuma County Fairgrounds 2520 East 32nd Street Yuma, AZ 85365 https://www.yumahamfest.com/ N1UW Midwinter Madness Hamfest - March 22nd, 2025 Buffalo Civic Center 1306 County Road 134 Buffalo MN 55313 https://k0ltc.org/midwinter-madness/ K¨JM, AD¨HJ, KE¨PBR Southeastern VHF Conference 2025 - April 4th thru 5th, 2025 Quality Inn Exit 4 3095 Wilma Rudolph Boulevard Clarksville, TN 37040 https://svhfs.org/wp/2025-conference/ W4FCL [ANS thanks Bo Lowrey, W4FCL<https://x.com/kyharleyfan>, Director ^v AMSAT Ambassador Program, for the above information] ________________________________ AMSAT Remove Before Flight Key Tags Now Available Yes, These are the Real Thing! [https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Keytag1D-300x15 5.jpg]<https://www.zazzle.com/amsat_car_flag-256716714380264543> Your $20 Donation Goes to Help Fly a Fox-Plus Satellite Includes First Class Postage (Sorry - U.S. Addresses Only) Order Today at https://www.amsat.org/product/amsat-remove-before-flight-key chain<https://www.amsat.org/product/amsat-remove-before-flight-keychain/> ________________________________ Satellite Shorts From All Over + AO-73 was switched back to full-time transponder mode on February 3rd, 20 25. The U/V linear transponder is now operating 24/7 after a month-long per iod of telemetry collection on the satellite^rs electrical power system. W hile some signs of reduced battery capacity are present, the two Lithium-Io n cells continue to perform well, supporting full transponder operation thr oughout the orbit. AO-73 features an inverting SSB/CW transponder with an u plink passband from 435.150 to 435.130 MHz (LSB) and a downlink passband fr om 145.950 to 145.970 MHz (USB). With the transponder active, the satellite also transmits BPSK telemetry on 145.935 MHz at 40mW. The collected teleme try data helps assess the long-term health of the 11-year-old satellite. (A NS thanks David Bowman, G0MRF<https://x.com/g0mrf> for the above informatio n) + NASA has confirmed the crew for Axiom Mission 4, set to launch no earlier than spring 2025 aboard a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft from Kennedy Space Cent er. The mission will be commanded by former NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson, w ith ISRO astronaut Shubhanshu Shukla as pilot and ESA^rs Sůawosz Uznań ski-Wiúniewski and Hungary^rs Tibor Kapu as mission specialists. Once do cked at the International Space Station, the crew will spend up to 14 days conducting science, outreach, and commercial activities. This mission inclu des the first ISRO astronaut aboard the station and the first astronauts fr om Poland and Hungary to stay there. NASA sees private astronaut missions a s a way to expand access to space and support commercial activity in low Ea rth orbit. As the agency shifts focus to deep space exploration through Art emis missions, partnerships with private companies help maintain a human pr esence in space and support research in microgravity. (ANS thanks NASA<http s://www.nasa.gov/> for the above information) + Indian Space Research Organization's (ISRO) NVS-02 navigation satellite, launched on January 28th aboard a Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle (G SLV) Mark 2 rocket, was intended to replace the IRNSS-1E satellite in geost ationary orbit as part of India^rs NavIC navigation system. However, ISRO confirmed on February 2nd that the satellite^rs onboard propulsion system failed due to oxidizer valves not opening, preventing it from reaching its intended orbit. As a result, NVS-02 remains stuck in an elliptical transfer orbit with a perigee of 165 kilometers (103 miles) and an apogee of 37,582 kilometers (23,354 miles), making it vulnerable to reentry due to atmosphe ric drag. While the spacecraft^rs solar panels and other systems are funct ioning normally, ISRO is exploring alternative mission strategies to utiliz e it in its current orbit. The 2,250-kilogram (4,960-pound) satellite was t he second of five planned NavIC satellites aimed at enhancing regional navi gation services. Its failure raises concerns about the future deployment of the NavIC system, and it remains unclear if any backup propulsion systems could adjust its orbit to prevent early reentry. (ANS thanks SpaceNews<http s://spacenews.com/> for the above information) + AstroForge, a U.S.-based asteroid mining company, has identified asteroid 2022 OB5 as the target for its upcoming Mission 2, Odin, set to launch in February 2025 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Odin will serve as a scoutin g spacecraft, flying as a secondary payload alongside Intuitive Machines' I M-2 lunar lander, and will separate after the rocket^rs upper stage fires for the moon. The spacecraft is expected to take about 300 days to reach th e asteroid, where it will conduct a flyby to gather crucial imagery and ass ess the rock^rs mining potential. This mission paves the way for AstroForg e^rs next endeavor, Vestri, which aims to land on the asteroid and initiat e resource extraction, potentially launching in late 2025 as part of anothe r rideshare mission. AstroForge, founded in January 2022, seeks to develop sustainable methods for mining precious metals from asteroids, although its first mission, Brokkr-1, launched in April 2023, failed to activate its on board refinery technology. The company has also secured a contract with Sto ke Space for future launches aboard the Nova rocket to support its ambitiou s mining goals. (ANS thanks Space.com<https://www.space.com/> for the above information) ________________________________ Join AMSAT today at https://launch.amsat.org/ In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership to: * Societies (a recognized group, clubs or organization). * Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one- half the standard yearly rate. * Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half-time status shal l be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. * Memberships are available for annual and lifetime terms. Contact info [at] amsat.org<https://www.amsat.org> for additional membershi p information. 73 and remember to help Keep Amateur Radio in Space! This week's ANS Editor, Mitch Ahrenstorff, AD¨HJ mahrenstorff [at] amsat.org<https://www.amsat.org> -----------------------------------------------------------
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