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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookieWG3K > ANS 16.02.25 15:33l 26 Lines 1355 Bytes #21 (0) @ AMSAT BID : ANS047.2 Subj: Current Active AMSAT Engineering Projects Path: JH4XSY<IW0QNL<IZ3LSV<DB0ERF<DK0WUE<DK0WUE<VK5RSV<N9SEO<W0ARP<WW4BSA< N3HYM<WG3K Sent: 250216/0557Z 13871@WG3K.#SMD.MD.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24 AMSAT's GOLF project is targeting a launch NET (no earlier than) 1Q 2026 for GOLF-TEE, a 3U CubeSat carrying a V/u linear transponder, an X band SDR based downlink, and an active attitude determination and control system. The follow-on GOLF-1 is currently targeted for a launch NET 1Q 2027. AMSAT's Fox Plus project is also proceeding towards being ready for a launch of a 1U CubeSat (Fox-Plus-A) with a V/u linear transponder. AMSAT's Fox-Plus-B is also proceeding with the AMSAT XBT as the core transponder technology. AMSAT's XBT is intended to break down the barrier between linear and FM transponders using modern signal processing and SDR. It will be capable of providing simultaneous multiple channel operation using multiple modes. All" modes will be simultaneously supported from CW through SSB through narrow band FM through PSK31 (BPSK, QPSK and such) and even SSTV. The signal processing portion of the transponder will be reconfigurable in orbit and the initial design is as a traditional U/v (non-inverting) configuration. AMSAT's Fox-Plus-B satellite is also expected to fly AMSAT's PACSAT payload. Volunteers are always needed to help bring AMSAT's Engineering projects to fruition, for more information on how to volunteer, visit https://www.amsat.org/volunteer-for-amsat/ *[ANS thanks AMSAT Engineering for the above information]*
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