OpenBCM V1.08-4-g0592 (Linux)

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KD6MTU > BBS      20.02.25 01:10l 6 Lines 387 Bytes #24 (0) @ WW
BID : 3798_KD6MTU
Subj: BBS/node/winlink
Sent: 250219/1600Z 3798@KD6MTU..#NNV.NV.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24

I have a BBS/Node/Winlink setup in north north central Nevada, freq is 145.090   bbs is kd6mtu-1   node is kd6mtu-4  and kd6mtu-8 for winlink..  this system is open and anyone can use it...  located in Crescent Valley Nevada.  It is a low level system right now but working on get it to a much higer elevation soon... also a 70cm ysf repeater at 444.550 + SPLIT     
73   guy kd6mtu

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