Login: GUEST @ JH4XSY.14.JNET1.JPN.AS [Tsuchiura]
home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookiePA2SNK > COAX 21.02.25 07:52l 29 Lines 1045 Bytes #8 (0) @ WW BID : 53_PA2SNK Subj: UTP cat6 as antenne feed line Path: JH4XSY<JE7YGF<LU4ECL<VK4OT<VK7AX<VK2IO<GB7YEW<EI2GYB<PI8ZTM<DK0WUE< PD0LPM Sent: 250220/2236Z @:PD0LPM.#FRL.NLD.EURO #:36223 [Joure] $:53_PA2SNK From: PA2SNK@PD0LPM.#FRL.NLD.EURO To : COAX@WW PA2SNK/TPK 1.83d. Msg.N: 53. Datum: 20-02-2025. Tijd: 23:34 (CET) - TpkSign v3.0e I was reading a message on the dutch Veron website about using utp cat6 as antenne feeder instead of coax.. Steve VE6WZ has found a way to do this. Checkout his youtube account to find out how he did it. Its only suitable for RX antenna's becouse the wires are to thin for TX but for rx it could be a good replacement for expensive coax cable. Danny PA2SNK PA2SNK te Sneek/Snits (Friesland)
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