Login: GUEST @ JH4XSY.14.JNET1.JPN.AS [Tsuchiura]
home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookieCX2SA > 425DXN 15.02.25 05:41l 201 Lines 14224 Bytes #2 (0) @ WW BID : 425CAL1763 Subj: [425ENG] 425 DX News 1763 Cal Path: JH4XSY<JE7YGF<LU4ECL<VK2RZ<N6PNK<VE3CGR<CX2SA Sent: 250214/2035Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:48191 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:425CAL1763 From: CX2SA@CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM To : 425DXN@WW 15 February 2025 A.R.I. DX Bulletin No 1763 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW PERIOD CALL REF till 15/02 PV91L: special callsign 1762 till 15/02 ZD7KYD: St. Helena Island (AF-022) 1761 till 16/02 AO#WRD: special callsigns 1761 till 16/02 C6ADA: New Providence (NA-001), Bahamas 1762 till 16/02 OE2025SKI: special callsign 1761 till 16/02 PJ7/VA3QSL: Sint Maarten (NA-105) 1756 till 17/02 HP1TT: Panama 1760 till 17/02 TC8DX: special callsign 1761 till 18/02 LU8DCH/D: Martin Garcia Island (SA-055) 1763 till 18/02 D44OA: Sal Island (AF-086), Cape Verde 1759 till 18/02 FM/VE3DZ and TO4A: Martinique (NA-107) 1762 till 18/02 P44W: Aruba (SA-036) 1762 till 18/02 VK9/W5EIT: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003) 1761 till 18/02 VP2ECV: Anguilla (NA-022) 1761 till 18/02 YB9/F5LIT: Bali Island (OC-022) 1760 till 19/02 YS1/WJ2O: El Salvador 1762 till 20/02 OZ/DL5AXI: Fano Island (EU-125) 1762 till 20/02 S79/VE3BRU: Mahe (AF-024), Seychelles 1761 till 20/02 TM22AAW: special callsign (France) 1761 till 21/02 C5DX: Gambia 1763 till 23/02 TY2AA: Benin 1759 till 23/02 V73WW: Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Islands 1759 till 25/02 DP1POL: Neumayer III Station, Antarctica (AN-016) 1757 till 28/02 II4FPUS: special callsign 1757 till 28/02 LZ403ES: special callsign 1758 till 28/02 PA80OV: special callsign 1762 till 28/02 TJ/TK1CX: Cameroon 1755 till 28/02 9K9NLD: special callsign 1763 till 15/02 9X2AW: Rwanda 1760 till 01/03 J52EC: Guinea-Bissau 1757 till 04/03 TZ1CE: Mali 1762 till 04/03 V4/K0YA and V47Y: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1761 till 11/03 P4/KE4TT: Aruba (SA-036) 1761 till 15/03 C5SP: Gambia 1759 till 15/03 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1759 till 31/03 DL2025B, DL2025E, DL2025S, DL2025W: special callsigns 1757 till 31/03 DL2025C: special callsign 1757 till 31/03 JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6, JR8YLY/6, JS6RRR/6: AS-079 1752 till 31/03 JI3DST/p, JJ5RBH/p, JR8YLY/p, JS6RRR/p: AS-079 1752 till 31/03 JS6RRR: Miyako Island (AS-079) 1752 till 02/04 TY5C: Benin 1755 till 08/04 PJ2/W2APF: Curacao (SA-099) 1757 till 27/04 DA0IARU: special callsign 1762 till 12/04 6W7/ON4AVT: Senegal 1760 till 01/05 II3MPL: special callsign 1761 till 07/05 H44MS: Malaita (OC-047), Solomon Islands 1761 till 12/05 IR0APTT: special callsign (Sardinia) 1762 till 01/06 PC80TT: special callsign 1756 till 30/06 9A2025HWC: special callsign 1761 till 09/08 S60: special prefix (Singapore) 1756 till 01/09 V73KW: Marshall Islands 1746 till 30/09 C21TS: Nauru (OC-031) 1760 till 31/12 9A68AA: special callsign 1759 till 31/12 AT44I: Bharati Research Station, Antarctica 1759 till 31/12 D450ICV: special callsign (Cabo Verde) 1762 till 31/12 DL100DM: special callsign 1756 till 31/12 GB70RS: special callsign 1758 till 31/12 HB20SOTA: special callsign 1758 till 31/12 LA100A: special callsign 1756 till 31/12 LZ75IPA: special callsign 1761 till 31/12 OF60AP: special callsign 1758 till 31/12 S5100IARU: special callsign 1762 till 31/12 ZS100SARL: special callsign 1756 15/02-22/02 7Z3FD, 8Z3FD, HZ3FD: special callsigns 1763 15/02-23/02 W7P: Pluto Anniversary Countdown 1762 15/02-02/03 TM06CDN: special callsign (France) 1762 16/02-25/02 FP/F4HEC: Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032) 1762 16/02-01/03 4S7SPG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) 1763 16/02-04/03 FS/VA3QSL: Sint Maarten (NA-105) 1756 17/02-23/02 VA3WAP: special callsign 1763 17/02-23/02 DA0ANT: special callsign 1763 17/02-23/02 II2ANT, II5ANT, IR1ANT, IR8ANT: special callsigns 1763 17/02-23/02 PA6ANT and PF88ANT: special callsigns 1763 17/02-23/02 SP0ANT: special callsign 1763 17/02-23/02 EH3ANT and EH5AAW: special callsigns 1763 17/02-23/02 K4K: special callsign 1763 17/02-03/03 3Z100IARU: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 3Z95PZK: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 HF100IARU: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 HF95PZK: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 SN100IARU: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 SN95PZK: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 SO100IARU: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 SO95PZK: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 SP100IARU: special callsign 1762 17/02-03/03 SP95PZK: special callsign 1762 18/02-04/03 VK9XU: Christmas Island (OC-002) 1762 19/02-24/02 N4T: Garden Key (NA-079) 1763 19/02-25/02 HZ1KWT: special callsign 1763 19/02-25/02 TI1RRC/p: Isla del Cano (IOTA NA-117) 1763 19/02-25/02 TI1RRC: POTA CR-0018 1763 19/02-27/02 FS/DF8AN, TO8AN: St. Martin (NA-105) 1763 20/02-24/02 AU6LON: special callsign 1763 20/02-06/03 5H3DX: Tanzania 1763 21/02-23/02 ZW5W: Ilha Santana de Fora (SA-088) 1763 22/02-23/02 TM13X: Ratonneau Island (EU-095) 1763 22/02-28/02 AN45AL, AN45CA, AN45CO, AN45GR: special callsigns 1763 22/02-28/02 AN45HU, AN45JA, AN45MA, AN45SE: special callsigns 1763 22/02-01/03 VK9QD, VK9AB, VK9YB: Norfolk Island (OC-005) 1763 24/02-09/03 TM6C: special callsign (France) 1763 26/02-28/02 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 26/02-03/03 3F3RRC: POTA PA-0033 1763 26/02-06/03 8Q7FL: Maldives (AS-013) 1763 27/02 HI2LD: Isla Saona (NA-122) 1763 28/02 AN7AND: special callsign 1763 28/02-01/03 V26MN: Antigua (NA-100) 1763 February 5N9DTG: Nigeria 1763 February HR5/F2JD: Honduras 1749 February TR8CR: Gabon 1763 February V31DJ and V31DK: Belize 1761 01/03-09/03 VP2MMN: Montserrat (NA-103) 1763 01/03-31/03 II4SHLD: special callsign 1757 01/03-30/04 LZ372SG: special callsign 1758 04/03-11/03 VK9CU: Cocos/Keeling Islands (OC-003) 1762 06/03-10/03 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 09/03-10/03 V26MN: Antigua (NA-100) 1763 09/03-19/03 HK0A: San Andres Island (NA-033) 1763 10/03-11/03 FS/DF8AN, TO8AN: St. Martin (NA-105) 1763 10/03-20/03 VU4AX: Andaman Islands (AS-001) 1762 14/03 SM100XF: special callsign 1761 18/03-01/04 V6WG: Kosrae Island (OC-059), Micronesia 1763 18/03-08/04 5H3MB: Tanzania 1763 24/03-05/04 3B9DJ: Rodrigues Island (AF-017) 1763 26/03-30/03 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 26/03-31/03 4I2I: Itbayat Island (OC-093) 1763 March HR5/F2JD: Honduras 1749 March TR8CR: Gabon 1763 01/04-30/04 II4GHPR: special callsign 1757 06/04-10/04 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 11/04-25/04 3Z95PZK: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 HF95PZK: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 SN95PZK: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 SO95PZK: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 SP95PZK: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 3Z100IARU: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 HF100IARU: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 SN100IARU: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 SO100IARU: special callsign 1762 11/04-25/04 SP100IARU: special callsign 1762 26/04-30/04 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 April TR8CR: Gabon 1763 01/05-31/05 II4JGGR: special callsign 1757 01/05-30/06 LZ286MDK: special callsign 1758 06/05-10/05 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 26/05-30/05 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 01/06-30/06 II4RXOS: special callsign 1757 06/06-10/06 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 26/06-30/06 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 01/07-31/07 II4COHR: special callsign 1757 01/07-31/08 LZ591MK: special callsign 1758 06/07-10/07 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 26/07-30/07 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 01/08-31/08 II4LDMA: special callsign 1757 06/08-10/08 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 26/08-30/08 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 01/09-30/09 II4RADS: special callsign 1757 01/09-31/10 LZ117ME: special callsign 1758 06/09-10/09 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 26/09-30/09 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 01/10-31/10 II4WLTX: special callsign 1757 06/10-10/10 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 26/10-30/10 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 October-November PY0S: Saint Peter & Saint Paul Archipelago (SA-014) 1761 01/11-30/11 II4EACC: special callsign 1757 01/11-31/12 LZ306WW: special callsign 1758 06/11-10/11 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 26/11-30/11 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 01/12-31/12 II4TJTB: special callsign 1757 06/12-10/12 A975IARU: special callsign 1761 26/12-30/12 A9100IARU: special callsign 1761 ??/??-??/?? FP5KE: Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032) 1761 February 2026 3Y0K: Bouvet Island (AN-002) 1758 February 2027 3Y0L: Peter I Island (AN-004) 1748 *************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/ *************************************************************************** Direttore Responsabile Gabriele Villa, I2VGW Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675 Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti Roma, Italia
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