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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookieG8MNY > TECH 18.02.25 16:54l 51 Lines 2218 Bytes #5 (0) @ WW BID : 26290_GB7CIP Subj: 2m Cavity Filter Path: JH4XSY<IW0QNL<IZ3LSV<DB0ERF<DK0WUE<DK0WUE<K7EK<W0ARP<LU9DCE<GB7YEW< GB7CIP Sent: 250218/0746Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:26290 [Caterham Surrey GBR] From: G8MNY@GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO To : TECH@WW (8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font) By VK2DKW Here under a cheap way to build your 2 meter band Cavity filter. VK2DKW sent to packet a diagram for a cavity filter made of dog food cans, with which he successfully eliminated heavy pager interference at his site on 2m. Use the font "Terminal" to see all the details as the author intended them! ߲__12 13 ۲1< <ͻ 12___/ > > <-----50mm------>ͻ 6 10 < < 33mm 11-̹ 3_ 2 > > 7(* ) -----------5---< <---5-------------------- 100mm > > / < < / 4- -8 > > 9\ < < \ ------------------5----> >--5-------------------- / < < 7(* ) 14 10 > > 33mm 11-̹ - \ < < <----50mm------->ͳͼ 1> >ͼ 3 -------------------450mm-------- 13 -------------- 1 Dog Food Cans. 2(Empty!) hihi, with Hole for Copper pipe 2 round steel plates, 30mm . Lower one, soldered on copper pipe 3 UHF Socket SO239 Hole Mount. 4 Coil 1mm wire 9 windings inside 10mm 5 Copper pipe, 3/4in also 450mm long. 6 5mm screw with steel plate soldered to bottom end. 7 wire, Copper or Brass 2mm 8 Aluminium Bracket. 9 Copper pipe soldered to bottom end of Can 10 Plastic spacer 11 Pop rivets 3mm 12 2 5mm Nuts Soldered to outside & inside of can. 13 Wire no 7 soldered to outside of can. 14 Silicon to keep plastic spacer in place. Pse direct any queries to George, VK2DKW@VK2WI.#SYD.NSW.AUS.OC Why Don't U send an interesting bul? 73 De John, G8MNY @ GB7CIP
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