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G8MNY  > TECH     13.02.25 18:52l 145 Lines 6477 Bytes #0 (0) @ WW
BID : 25782_GB7CIP
Subj: UK 13A Fused Mains Plug
Sent: 250213/0941Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:25782 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

By G8MNY                                    (Updated Mar 08)
(8 bit ASCII Graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)
After some Ham intermediate courses where students have to attach a mains lead
to a plug PROPERLY, I came up with this to add some flesh to the subject! I
also found girl guides can take 20mins to fit one, having never used any hand
tools, or seen their Dads fit a mains plug anymore (a lost skill).

This type of plug is only used in the UK & some of its defendants. It is the
highest power item part most people deal with. Correct fitting & use IS A LIFE
& DEATH MATTER! The 13A Rating enables up to 3kW to be safely drawn from the
    __..-----..__             __..-----..__         レトトトツトトトソLonger Earth
  /'     レトソ     `\         /'     レトソ   _ `\       ウT  |   テトトトトトトトトソ
 ウ       ウEウ       ウ       ウ Gn/Ye/オoウ[]ウ_ウ  ウ      ウO  |   ウ        ウ
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 ウ                 ウ       ウ    _||   ||ウ3ウ  ウ      ウ   | B ウ
 ウ   L   (\)   N   ウ       ウ Bl//\\\Bn//ウAウ  ウ      ウC  | A ウ<Cover Screw
 /                  \      /  ||  |||// ウ_ウ  \      ウO  | S ウ
ウ  レトトトソ     レトトトソ  ウ     ウ  レチチトソ\\|| レチトチソ  ウ     ウV  | E テトトトツトトソ
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ウ     0       0     ウ     ウ     (o_GRIP_o)    ウ     ウR  |   ウ  \insulated
 \_________________/       \_________________/      ウ___|___ウ    antishock
      UNDERSIDE                  TOPSIDE             SIDE VIEW

The UK Standard BS1362 was introduced in the 1960s with the higher current ring
mains wiring system. Rings are rated at 20/30A for domestic, & up to 60A for
industrial sites. All sockets are shuttered, to prevent non fused plug (&
finger!) access.

Fuse rating is only supposed to protect the appliance lead! Appliances should
be separately fused with a more appropriate fuse as needed.

The 1" x 1/4" BS1362 Mains plug Fuses are fast high voltage type, ceramic body,
normally sand filled to quench arcing when rupturing. The peak rupture current
rating is 6,000 Amps @ 240V !!!! (e.g. the fuse must stop arcing & break that

  Fuse         Max       Typical     Typical
  Print     Continuous    Blow      Peak Break
  Colour      Rating      Surge       Power
  Brown        13A         26A        9 kW
  Black        10A *       20A        7 kW
  Black         7A *       15A        5 kW
  Black/Blue    5A *       10A        3.5kW
  Red           3A          6A        2 kW
  Black         2A *        4A        1.4kW
  Black         1A *        2A        700W

* It can be difficult to obtain these values, but they are available.

N.B. The right fuses does not protect you from DEATH, but may stop an
electrical overload fire!
  1/ 3 Pin. Larger Earth Pin.
  2/ Strong oblong pin section for high contact area.
  3/ Earth pin connects 1st & disconnect last, & operates the socket shutter.
  4/ Part Insulated Live & Neutral Pins to stop finger shocks.
  5/ Fuse to limit the high ring current available to limit damage.
  6/ Universal Cord grip.
  7/ As with other plugs LIVE is on the Right.

Although all made to the same standard, the designs do vary with make & price.
Older plugs designs have all metal pins (better for high currents!), & should
ideally be replaced especially in wet use areas.

Some types & features to look out for...
    Clear Body, (for easier PAT visible inspections).
    Moulded on types (new appliances) with a fuse access flap/carrier.
    Fuse rating inspection hole.
    High contact area wrap around terminals. (safety plug)
    Easy wedge cord grip. (safety plug)
    Two position cord grip, for large & small cables.
    Easy pull out types with large ring handles.
    Rubber body, for those indestructible uses.
    Soft plastic (nylon), more rigid than rubber & keep their shape.
    Bakerlite/Urea, cheap, easily broken, but higher temperature rated.
    With Neon Indicator.
    With ON/OFF switch.
    Multi coloured plugs.
    Surge protected plugs, computers.
    Earth Leakage Trip plugs, for outdoor appliances.
    Energy savers, for fridges/Pumps.
    Timer Plugs, for lights etc.
    Remote IR controlled plugs. (For lazy people!)

Available in 2 core or 3 core, ratings 3A, 6A, 10A, 13A, 15A, & 20A.

 a/ Only Double insulated leads are allowed. No bell/LS wire!
 b/ Make sure the appliance is double insulated if it has a 2 core lead.
 c/ Use proper mains joiners in the leads if the lead is too short.
 d/ Only Blue, Brown & Yellow/Green leads should be used.
 e/ Use the correct current rated lead for the job. 1A-15A flex
 f/ Use the right type of lead for the job..
    e.g. Rubber/heat proof leads for hot jobs, Irons, Toasters, Fires.
        NO solid lead for flexible work,
        Screened mains lead for improved RFI protection.

WIRING UP (11 steps blow by blow)

  1/ Remove plug top cover, do not loose screw if not captured. If cover
     has lead hole place over lead, the right way around NOW!

  2/ Cut off the outer of the lead to the right length, making doubly sure
     the inner insulation is not damaged.

  3/ Offer up the lead & measure off each colour wire to the right terminal 
     & strip the wire insulation off, not damaging the wires.

  4/ For thick wires just stripped wire to length & trim excess length off,
     twist bare ends for stability (do not solder). For thin wires consider
     twisting & folding the wire to make it a suitable size to the terminal
     if needed. (some people make the earth lead a fraction longer so it is
     the last to disconnect on a lead rip out!)

  5/ Loosen terminal post screw, insert wire into the right hole making sure
     no stands miss the hole. Brown-Live, Blue-Neutral, Green/Yellow-Earth.

  6/ Screw up tight! & Redo for 5 & 6 for all wires.

  7/ Route the wires correctly around the plug, making sure that they will
     not be trapped by the top cover.

  8/ Place wire under cable clamp & do it up firmly. This can be difficult for
     thin or thick cables! See if clamp has 2 positions & use appropriately.

  9/ Double check wire colour code LAST CHANCE!!!

 10/ Double check the fuse rating is correct.

 11/ Place plug cap on & screw up. Again checking for crushed wires badly
     fitting cap etc.

Y don't U send an interesting bul?

73 de John G8MNY @ GB8CIP

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