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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie:::::::::::::: :: AFWDLIST :: :::::::::::::: (SYSOPŚŔ’č, option _AUTOFWD in config.h) Ť\•¶: AF(WDLIST) This command generates the file "afwd.bcm" if "autofwdtime" is not set to 0. To automatically update the autorouter, "afwdlist" should be called about once a day via "crontab.bcm". AFWDLIST uses parameter AUTOFWDTIME. AUTOFWDTIME sets number of days after which old routes are ignored. "AUTOFWDTIME 0" disables autoforward. Autoforward of mails is decided by: 1.) checking "fwd.bcm" as usual, only if no route is found, use next. 2.) checking "afwd.bcm" 3.) looking up @address in H-address database (makes sense only for really new adresses, otherwise it should be found in "afwd.bcm"; however this method is quite fast, so no need to disable that) See also HELP CRONTAB, HELP AUTOFWDT, HELP AUTOROUTER and HELP AUTOPATH