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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie::::::::::::::: :: BOXADRESS :: ::::::::::::::: (SYSOP限定, init.bcm) 構文: BOXA(DRESS) [<H-address>} Defines call and country area of the BBS. Must be correct set for S&F. Following text explains the international usual hierarchical notation. 例: BOXADRESS DB0AAB.#BAY.DEU.EU The hierarchical address consists of the call of the BBS (without SSID), the regional identifier, the name of the state (ISO) and the continent: <call>.#<region>.<state>.<continent> 例: OE3XSR.#OE3.AUT.EU If the BBS is not 24h opened, the address should be like following: <call>.<pop-box>.#<region>.<state>.<continent> <pop-box> is that BBS, where mails should be exchanged with. 例: OE1XAR.OE1XAB.#OE1.AUT.EU See also HELP ADDRESS