OpenBCM V1.08-4-g0592 (Linux)

Login: GUEST @ JH4XSY.14.JNET1.JPN.AS [Tsuchiura]

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:: CONVAT ::

Shows file "convat.bcm". This file is used to kick off old areas some BBS
misuse long time.

Example for "convat.bcm":
; Format: <oldat> <newat>
oedl dl
dloe dl
alle dl
oeba dl
all  ww
euro eu
aut  oe

The conversion is only done if bulletins are written local to BBS. Areacode
received via forward will not be changed, but e.g. mail @oedl will be
forwarded like @dl if a conversion @oedl -> @dl is setup in "convat.bcm".