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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie:::::::::::::::::: :: FLEXNET LINK :: :::::::::::::::::: (SYSOP限定) LINK < ch | call | - > <コール> [ # | $ | - | @ | > | ) | ! ] The definition of link partners can be done with LINK command. You can also define SSID for each link. The single options are: a) simple links without routing tests: "$" - no routing tests "#" - no routing tests; link entry is invisible for normal users (e.g. connection of terminal for service purpose) b) links with routing tests: " " - no option: normal routing tests with exchange of routing information (default) "-" - link partner is only local defined and is not transmitted to other link partners, but the targets of subnet behind (neighbours) are exchanged to others (e.g. for test purpose) ">" - the link partner and all targets of subnet behind aren't transmitted to others (e.g. internal net) "!" - the link partner himself is transmitted to others, but targets of subnet behind not "@" - simple routing test for links to neighbours without flexnet routing protocol (e.g. TheNet digis) ")" - neighbour with subnet; link entry is invisible for normal user (=combination from ">" and "#") 例: 1) "link 2 db0dig" : sets link partner DB0DIG to channel 2 2) "link 6 df2vo-7 #" : sets invisible test link DF2VO-7 to channel 6 3) "link 15 db0hom-9 )" : sets invisible S&F-SSID "-9" for BBS DB0HOM to channel 15 4) "link db0dig db0psc" : sets link DB0PSC via link DB0DIG In difference to baycom node there can be more than one link defined to a call on different ports. To delete a link entry use LINK - <call>. Between flexnet partners normally no SSID is defined, so the range from 0 to 15 can be used.