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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie:::::::::::::::::: :: FLEXNET MODE :: :::::::::::::::::: (SYSOP限定) MODE <channel> <mode> You can define speed and channel options with MODE command of each single channel. Speed can be a multiplier of 300 Bit/s; the following two 0 must not be added. channel mode options are: <num>- speed (only valid with internal tact) "c" - with CRC-KISS or software-DCD (e.g. SCC cards, baycom modem) "d" - fullduplex channel (デフォルト値: halfduplex) "m" - DAMA master "r" - external, hardware receive tact (e.g. G3RUH modem) "s" - channel synchronisation (e.g. two channels on one frequency) "t" - external, hardware send tact (e.g. G3RUH modem) "u" - user channel (txdelay measurement, DAMA master) "y" - auto-sysop (every time sysop without password) "z" - NRZ code (e.g. DF9IC modem), in other case NRZI "-" - switch of this channel "." - dummy, if no other parameter is needed 例: 1) "mode 2 12cmu" : 1200-Bit/s user channel with serial BayCom modem and DAMA mode on channel 2 2) "mode 3 96dtrz": 9600-Bit/s fullduplex with DF9IC-FSK modem at channel 3 3) "mode 4 -" : switch off channel 4 (is not working with every driver!) The accurate function of each parameter depends on driver, not every driver supports all parameters.