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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie:::::::::::: :: IMPORT :: :::::::::::: (SYSOP限定) 構文: IMPO(RT) <ファイル名> All content of <filename> is interpreted as command via console or as received via air. You can execute every BBS command from such an import file. Especially useful for implicit send commands. 例: File STAT.IMP s statisti @ db0aab # 30 log statistics This is the statistic. nnnn (end of file) IMPORT stat (".imp" isn't needed) You can use import inside of import files, too. The new import will be executed at same time as new task, so this shouldn't lead to failures. Import doesn't know semicolon ";" as division between two commands. So only one command per line is possible. If import is started while SENDLOCK is active (e.g. REORG), the execution of import is done later. If import can't execute a SEND command the execution of import is aborted and an entry is added to SYSLOG. See also HELP STATUS SEMAPHORES and HELP IMPDEL