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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie::::::::::::: :: MAXBIDS :: ::::::::::::: (SYSOP限定, init.bcm) 構文: MAXB(IDS) [<n>] (デフォルト値: 262144) Parameter MAXBIDS defines maximum number of BIDs stored in BID file after reorg. BID file is growing automatically around 10000 entries if BBS is running, after reaching 10000, reorg is executed automatically. The parameter must be bigger than maximum number of bulletins! It makes sense to use the default settings. BBS speed is reduced if you select a value that's to big. You should use a value of 400000 if your computer is not too slow.