Login: GUEST @ JH4XSY.14.JNET1.JPN.AS [Tsuchiura]
home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie::::::::::::: :: MONITOR :: ::::::::::::: (SYSOP限定) 構文: MON(ITOR) [-<オプション>] <task-id> <options> -i suppress input (of user) -o suppress output (to user) -r suppress data content of READ commands -d suppress data content of DIR/LIST/CHECK commands -s suppress data content of SEND commands MONITOR shows input and output of any BBS task. You can monitor other users logins and also forward connects. You can use monitor command via air remote and from console. To get <task-id> use the PS command. The command is useful to view output of trace window or monitor task. Both tasks don't write a CR at end of line (not enough space). You can max. start one monitor per task. However it's even possible to monitor a monitor task.