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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie::::::::::::::::::: :: OLDMAILIMPORT :: ::::::::::::::::::: (SYSOP限定) 構文: OLDMAILIMPORT [ -q | -r ] <directory> With this command it's possible to import mailfile of other Baybox systems. The source is a directory. An import is only done, if the BID of the mail is unknown. Options -q and -r are allowed: -q more informations about importing are shown -r after the import a "REORG F" is done automatically. If the option -r is used, the "REORG F" is not executed and must be done by the sysop manually. If sysop does not execute "REORG F" the new imported mail are not shown in DIR/LIST/CHECK. This option makes only sense if the sysop is intended to import mails from a lot of directorys and doesn't want to wait for REORG executed after each import. So in this case the sysop only executes "REORG F" once at the end of the import manually. 例: oldmail /bcm/db0abc/info/meinung imports mail from directory /bcm/db0abc/info/meinung, but only if the BID of the mail is unknown