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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie::::::::::::::: :: PAGEBREAK :: ::::::::::::::: In order to prevent that the output brims over the screen, you can set a number of lines after which the BBS stops the output until you send <ENTER>. You can set the pakebreak with: A(LTER) L(INES) <lines> If you want to switch off the pagebreak you have to set "ALTER LINES 0". When the output is stopped, the BBS displays "+?>" at the end of the last line. You can cause several actions at this prompt: <ENTER> continues the output C continues the output, but does not interrupt the output anymore S quits output Q or B leaves the BBS (disconnect) anything else aborts the output. At the command DIR, LIST, READ and CHECK you can switch off the pagebreak with the option -C. If the pakebreak is switched off with "ALTER LINES 0" or with C at the pagebreak prompt, you can abort the output by typing <ENTER>. But you may not specify another command. Currently it is better to disconnect the BBS, because the BBS can be reconnected more quickly.