OpenBCM V1.08-4-g0592 (Linux)

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"Regular expressions" are signs used for searching purposes. They are
used in BCM in files "convert.bcm", "reject.bcm" and most search.

sign  describtion

 ^    finds beginning of line at beginning of string
 $    finds end of line at end of string
 .    finds any sign
 *    after string finds every search string followed with any sign (or no
      sign), e.g.: "bo*" finds "bot", "bo" and "boo" etc but not "b"
 +    after string finds every search string followed with any sign but
      no further signs, e.g.: "bo+" finds "boo" and "booo", but not "bo"
      and "be"
 \    means to use following sign as search string, e.g.: "\^" finds "^"
      and didn't search for beginning of line

 [ ]  finds every single sign, e.g. [bot] finds b, o or t
 [^]  this means negation, e.g. [^bot] finds all signs but no b, o or t
 [-]  means a rangs of letters, e.g. [b-o] finds every letter between
      b and o

 ^[WE][WU]$	finds as search string "WW", "WU", "EW" or "EU"
 ^S\:		finds "S:" only at beginning of search string