OpenBCM V1.08-4-g0592 (Linux)

Login: GUEST @ JH4XSY.14.JNET1.JPN.AS [Tsuchiura]

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(SYSOP限定, init.bcm)
構文: REM(ERASE) [<n>]
(デフォルト値: 1)

The command REMERASE defines if remote erases are possible and how they are
handled. BCM and DPBox can exchange remote erase information. At BCM a remote
erase can be done with "ERASE -F" command.

There are following options:
  REMERASE 0    remote erase is disabled
  REMERASE 1    remote erase is enabled without any restrictions
  REMERASE 2    remote erase is only accepted, if mail was erased
                from same BBS where it was created
  REMERASE 3    remote erase is only accepted, if mail was erase
                from same BBS where it was accepted; mail is only
                purged after lifetime elapsed, so sysop has possiblity
                to unerase those mails

You can list remote erased mails with "CHECK -R". If you set "REMERASE 3"
and want to really erase those mails you have to do a "unerase <mail>"
and then do a "erase <mail>" again.