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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie:::::::::::::: :: RUNUTILS :: :::::::::::::: \: RUN(UTILS) [ -l | -s | -ls ] Shows all installed runutils. Runutils are small external programs which can be called from BBS soft. In- and output to runutils is handled via BBS. If you are running DOS the BBS is being stopped while runutil is running. If you are running Linux or Win32, BBS is running same time runutil is executed (multitasking). Note: if a runutil is defined as "interactive" in "runutil.bcm" they can only be called once and not in combination with other commands! RUNUTILS -l: shows detail information of runutils RUNUTILS -s: shows runutils which can be executed only as sysop The configuration of runutils is done in file "runutil.bcm". See also HELP OPTION RUNUTIL