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home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie::::::::::::: :: SWAPLOG :: ::::::::::::: (SYSOP限定) 構文: SW(APLOG) ["<検索文字列>"] This command shows all lines of file "trace/swap.bcm", which include <search string>. This file is used to log all mails where "FROM" and "TO" fields are not similar to mail header or the BID are changed (means those mails are swapped by another mailbox system). These mails are set to a lifetime of 2 days, while sysop can do examines and may set lifetime to a higher value. The <search string> can include a special date or call. If <search string> is not added the last 2kB of file are shown. You only need " " if <search string> contains spaces. Upper/lower case is of no matter. The <search string> is handled as a regulary expression. See also HELP REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS and HELP DEFSWAPLF