OpenBCM V1.08-4-g0592 (Linux)

Login: GUEST @ JH4XSY.14.JNET1.JPN.AS [Tsuchiura]

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(SYSOP限定, init.bcm, only Linux/Win32)
(デフォルト値: 0)

This parameter defines if TCPIP tracing should be activ or not. These
tracefiles may be interessting in searching bugs in tcpip protocoll.

   tcpiptrace 0  -> no tracing of any TCPIP sessions
   tcpiptrace 1  -> tracing of HTTP sessions in trace/httplog.bcm activ
   tcpiptrace 2  -> tracing of NNTP sessions in trace/nntplog.bcm activ
   tcpiptrace 3  -> tracing of POP3 sessions in trace/pop3log.bcm
   tcpiptrace 4  -> tracing of SMTP sessions in trace/smtplog.bcm
   tcpiptrace 5  -> tracing of FTP sessions in trace/ftplog.bcm
   tcpiptrace 8  -> tracing of all TCPIP sessions (means NNTP, HTTP,
                    POP3, SMTP, FTP)