Login: GUEST @ JH4XSY.14.JNET1.JPN.AS [Tsuchiura]
home | newest check | boards | help index | log | ps | userlogin | send sysop | slog | status forward | bcm news | users | version | remove cookie:::::::::::::::: :: TRACELEVEL :: :::::::::::::::: (SYSOP限定, init.bcm) 構文: TRACEL(EVEL) [<n>] (デフォルト値: 1) Without parameter the setting is displayed. The parameter defines which system messages are added to "trace/syslog_r.bcm" Following values for <n> are possible: 0 All system and error messages (#R, #L, #S, #F, #A) are saved (this may be very much, don't use it for long time). 1 All messages except #R are logged. 2 All error messages are logged (#S, #F, #A). 3 Only fatal error messages are logged (#F and #A). 4 Only messages are logged that cause a watchdog abort (#A) (only if watchdog is set from 4 to 7) 5 No system messages are logged (don't use this). Explanation: #R (REPORT) all report messages (user inputs, etc.) #L (LOG) system messages (start, stop, etc.) #S (SERIOUS) error messages without program abort #F (FATAL) fatal error messages with program abort #A (ABORT) error messages with a watchdog program abort (only if watchdog is set from 4 to 7) System messages (#L, #S, #F, #A) are always added to file "trace/syslog.bcm". The error messages are for programmers to find the bugs. You can use SLR and SL commands for viewing system messages. You can delete "trace/syslog.bcm" and "trace/syslog_r.bcm" if they are grown and take a huge part of harddisk. See also HELP SLOG and HELP SLR