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TTYDEVICE <value> 0 terminal device (default) 1 nullmodem link (master, use 0 for slave) 2 telephone modem: if a modem is connected, it's initalised after every login cyclus; if a RING signal is detected, BCM takes the line; after successful "CONNECT" message TTY behaviour is same like normal terminal; if "NO CARRIER" is detected login is stopped; if a login is stopped (with "quit", "exit"... or "NO CARRIER") modem sets DTR line to low; this is also done after three logins with wrong TTY password 3 telephone modem with check: same as parameter 2, but "getty" is automatically terminated if modem is not responding any more or if no hangup is possible via DTR line In the next step the configuration of file "inittty.bcm" must be done: comadr 0 dezimal address (not HEX!) of serial port, if set to 0, port number defined in "init.bcm" is used and address is set automatically comirq 0 interrupt (IRQ) of serial port, if set to 0 the default IRQ or serial port defined in "init.bcm" is used cmdatz ATZ command for modem initialisation cmdata ATA command for modem to take off cmdatd ATD command for modem dialing ringindicator RING modem code if ringin connectindicator CONNECT modem code if connect success dailprefix dailing prefix code dailsuffix dailing suffix code ringtimeout 30 waiting time in seconds between takeoff and CONNECT dailtimeout 40 waiting time for dialing process until abort, e.g. if target station not available (in seconds) daildelay 0 waiting time until next dailing try (in seconds) connectdelay 0 waiting time in seconds until next successful connect maxcontime 0 time for "maxcons", if set to 0 it's inactive (in seconds) maxcons 0 amount of dailing tries during "maxcontime", if set to 0 no limit (in seconds) Hint: use "0W" if you have not a direct telephone line as "dailprefix", for further informations look at your modem/telephone documentation. Use commands "maxcontime" and "maxcons" to configure dialing tries. If you want to start only one S&F connect per hour, set "maxcontime" to 3600 and "maxcons" to 1. Now you can use telephone modem for S&F and user login. If you want to do S&F via tty do following: - tty passwords must be the same at both S&F partners and also both normal ax25 S&F passwords must be the same - use following entry for automatic S&F in file "fwd.bcm": instead of connect call and digi use "<call> TTY <nummer>"; use call without SSID, e.g. "DBO812 AAAA...............AAAAA DBO812 TTY 2356"; the BBS is dialing automatically if S&F parameter is "D"; if there is only an "A", BBS is only sending if it's connected by others; Example: DBO812 AADDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DBO812 TTY 7823456 - if the BBS is called, BBS is take off automatically, if you don't want this, use a timeclock for modem. Start S&F with "TTYDIAL <call> <nummer>". If tty S&F is configured in "fwd.bcm", command "SF <call>" is also working and BBS is dailing at all configured times defined in file "crontab.bcm" automatically if "maxcontime" and "maxcons" are set. You may use command "TTYSTATUS" to show process status. TTY is always using RTS/CTS. If you use a slow computer (e.g. 486SX), using of FBB S&F may be slow down S&F, because compressing takes more time than using uncompressed ASCII S&F and send some more data. So use ASCII protocol in those cases, most modems use a hardware compression anyway. TTY S&F via telephone, usage ---------------------------- All inputs and outputs can be shown with command "monitor" at "getty" task. Here only login screen is visible, if another user or S&F partner is logging in, you have to monitor the equivalent task. "TTYSTATUS" shows status of serial port "TTYWIN" shows outputs in own window Following parameters are possible: TTY mode of tty port POS 0 wait for ring (waits for "RING", sends after that "ATA") 1 busy (tty-port is used at the moment, e.g. hangup) 2 ring, wait connect (waits for "CONNECT" message from modem) 3 dialup, wait connect (waits for "CONNECT" message from modem) 4 wait for login (waits for input of call and password) 5 eingeloggt (new task is opening) /0 /1 dialup (BBS is called or is dailing at the moment) CALL call, logged in at tty port TASK number of task, using tty port CMD shows if modem is in command mode RX shows how much rx bytes are in serial buffer, use > for stopping input TX shows how much tx bytes are in serial buffer, use > for stopping output LINE baud rate of telephone line (taken from "CONNECT" message) ECH echo mode 0 no echo 1 normal echo 2 "*" are send back (password query) Also online time, some variables and tty port errors are shown. You can hangup immediately with "kill" of S&F task or use command "TTYHANGUP". DTR line is set to LOW at this moment. Modem must be set to hangup if getting a DTR Low signal. If this is not set in this way, BBS shows a error message and fries or stops "getty" until error is solved. Use command "TTYCMD" to send modem commands. This is only possible if modem is in command mode. TTY S&F via telephone, solutions -------------------------------- - BBS doesn't dial, but can handle dailin's: Check parameters "maxcons", "maxcontime" and S&F time in file "crontab.bcm"! - BBS doesn't allow any logins: You need a password for tty port, check if it's set! - modem is doing nothing: check port parameters, or check if modem is running with normal terminal program! Also use command "TTYSTATUS" for some hints. - BBS takes off but disconnects immediately: modem isn't allowed to take off itself, because BBS is sending this command to modem, check documentation of modem to change this behaviour.